Breastfeeding Tips For A Happy Baby – Newborn Photographer Baton Rouge
Newborn Photographer Baton Rouge, LA | Leann Messina Photography | Breastfeeding Tips For A Happy Baby
Are you breastfeeding and have a newborn session coming up soon? Well, I’m glad you’re here because I have a few tips that might be beneficial to you. We all know that babies are fussy when they are gassy. Just mad, sometimes inconsolable, and there isn’t much we can do until they pass it. Surely, some moms swear by things like Gripe Water and Infant’s Mylicon, but did you know the foods you eat can sometimes determine the temperament of your baby?
I am no lactation expert, but I did spend four years of my life breastfeeding my own babies. A labor of love, and one of which I feel privileged and proud. During the last go-round, I went dairy-free for nearly the whole duration because my babe had a sensitivity to cow’s milk protein. No joke, we called her “Mad Baby” the first four to six weeks of her life because she cried so much. After I cut out dairy (milk, cheese, yogurt, and butter mostly), she was a CHANGED BABY! It was the craziest thing, and something I was more than willing to do to keep her tummy happy.
So much prepping and planning goes into making your Newborn Session successful, and you, too, can plan ahead to help things run smoothly on your session day. The day before your session, try to avoid foods that are known to create gas buildup in a baby.

Try to eliminate the following: spicy foods in general, cabbage, onions, broccoli, beans, kale, spinach, artichoke, asparagus, cauliflower, cumin, curry, garlic, peppers, and cow’s milk for kicks.
Even some fruits can cause digestive disturbances that are highly acidic, like oranges, grapefruit, kiwi, pineapples, and strawberries, and should be avoided.
And I know how little sleep you’re getting since your baby was born, but skipping that morning cup of coffee is a great idea. I’m not saying you can’t have coffee on your session day. Maybe just wait until after your session is completed to get that fix!
Are you considering a Maternity Session? Check out this blog post from my friend, Tasha, on all the reasons why it’s worth it!
Newborn Photographer Baton Rouge, LA | Leann Messina Photography | Breastfeeding Tips For A Happy Baby
Are you ready to book your newborn experience with me? Check for availability on your due date by sending me a quick message here!
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